So after being a late update, I still have one. My third day was not as great as my second. I only completed 87 pages. I finished 41 pages of Birdsong and 46 pages of The Madness Underneath. I tried really hard to read a good amount. I was happy that I got at least more pages than on the other days, especially the first day. This is going to be a short update because the Booktube-A-Thon live show and it is so much fun and just so awesome! I want to hangout all these people and be a booktuber because they are honestly hilarious and just so cool.
After this Booktube-A-Thon, I plan on writing my review of Divergent and the other books I will finish.
Day 2 of the Booktube-A-Thon has officially ended. I am writing this blog post on the third day because I fell asleep early last night and couldn't write a blog post. I have not read anything so far on this third day because I worked this morning. But now being 2 in the afternoon, I am done with work, showered and currently eating lunch and writing this post. So after this, I will be reading until I fall asleep! (minus dinner) So onto what I read yesterday.
On day two, I read a total of 113 pages. Better than the first day. I finished reading Divergent by Veronica Roth, which honestly doesn't count as one of the challenges but that's okay! I am only completing two of the challenges, unless I get 300 pages read in a day than that will be three. With Divergent, I read 103 pages of that book, finishing it. I then read ten pages of Birdsong by Sebastian Faulks. I plan on reading that book all the rest of the day because I am really determined to finish it.
Yesterday when I was reading, I felt myself falling myself even when sitting up. So I had to actually drink some coffee to wake myself up. I also lost an hour yesterday because I was watching the premiere of Whose Line Is It Anyway? Great show by the way.
With 56 pages on Day 1 and 113 pages on Day 2 gives me a total of 169 pages so far.
So after this post, onto more reading! Hoping to more pages being read and more adventures explored.

Booktube-A-Thon has officially started! I am really excited about this guys, and I will not let my work get in the way of getting so much reading done. Today, I only read a total of 56 pages. It isn't much but it is better than nothing. Today, I sat on my couch after washing the dishes and read 30 pages straight of Birdsong by Sebastian Faulks and it is really enjoyable and I am glad I am reading it. But the font in this book isn't very big so 30 pages is still a good amount. And then after going to my Farmer's Market and dinner, I read 26 pages of Divergent by Veronica Roth. I wanted to get further with this book but sadly, I had to iron and getting some things ready. I am almost done with this book and I really looking forward to see how it ends. I hope to finish that tomorrow after work and get a lot more reading from Birdsong done. Now is Teen Wolf time and then bedtime. I have to get up tomorrow at 5 AM for a seven hour shift at work. But I am excited for the rest of this week!
So I have decided to participate in the first Booktube-a-thon, created by Raleen and Ariel. The links to their channels are right below.
They created this read-a-thon with all the booktubers in mind. I do not have a booktube channel but I do have a blog, so I figured I will participate in it and write a blog post about my progress every day. I really want to accomplish a lot of reading this week and I know it will be a challenge, but I am willing to try my hardest. I am excited for all the videos that book bloggers on Youtube will be putting out every day.
They decided to have a twist on this one with a bunch of challenges. I will try to complete as many as I can but I have my to be read pile already picked out so I will most likely be reading from that pile. The challenges are:
- Read at least 300 pages a day
- Read a book that is at least 500 pages.
- re-read a book
- finish a series/trilogy
- read a book that's been on your shelf since forever
- listen to an audiobook
- read a classic
I am not participating in every challenge but I think some of them are great ideas. But for the books that I will be reading for the Booktube-a-thon!
I will be finishing Birdsong by Sebastian Faulks, which is a total of 489 pages. So close to being a 500 page book. I have been reading this book for awhile and it's good so I want to finish it. It is considered a contemporary classic, so I still count that as a classic.
I will be finishing two books that I have started earlier this month but have yet to finish. The first one is Divergent by Veronica Roth. I have only 150 pages left and it has been on my bookshelf since last summer. I finally have got around to reading it. I like it but don't love it like everyone else does, and I am excited to write a review of that one on my blog.
The other book I will be finishing is A Walk To Remember by Nicholas Sparks. I love this movie so much and I finally decided to pick the book up and read it. It is extremely different from the movie, and you will see in my review. I do not have that many pages of this one left either. So once I finish both of those books, I will be caught up with my reading challenge on Goodreads, because currently I am behind.
The other book I plan to read that does not have to do with any of the challenges is The Madness Underneath by Maureen Johnson. This is the second book in The Shades of London series. I enjoyed the first book so I am excited to see how the second book turns out. I borrowed this one from my library and it is due back soon, so I hope to read this one this week. Doesn't seem like it will take me that long.
The last book that I will read does actually cross off a challenge. I will be listening to an audiobook. The other day when I was at my library, I remembered the challenges and decided to look at the audiobooks. But instead of an audiobook that are CDs, they have the playaways that you just put headphones in and can listen to them while you are doing anything. They are that easy. So as I looked at the playaways, I saw True Believer by Nicholas Sparks. That way if I listen to this, I can cross off a Nicholas Sparks book off my list. The audiobook takes a total of 10 hours, so I will be listening to that during my fun cleaning the house times.
I am very excited for this reading challenge. A total of five books will have me very busy this week but I hope to complete them all this week. It officially starts tomorrow, which is Monday July 15th and ends July 21st. I do work this week for a total of 33 hours and they are early hours. But I will be reading whenever I can. I also will be updating every night and hope to have a great time with this!
Being a Psychology minor, I loved a certain part of this book because it twisted with my mind. I haven't read a book like that in a while and I'm glad I did. I would be reading this book, and have to put it down for a couple seconds just because I could feel it messing with my head. There are so many things I want to say, or write, about this book, but I feel like it messed with my head so much, that I can't put my thoughts down on paper, or well, this computer for the matter.
I guess I can start off with the book cover, which is what mainly drew me into this book in the first place. I had also watched the book trailer and heard nothing but good things about the book. The cover describes the book perfectly, I think. It's mysterious and sexy, things I would agree the book is. By the time I was towards the end of the book, the only thing I could listen to was the song from the book trailer, Black Dog by Kelli Schaefer.
I feel like I can still hear Mara's voice in my head, especially when I was done. In the book, she hallucinates, and at times, mainly when I was driving, I thought I was hallucinating. I felt like I was seeing people or things on the street. This is what I mean when this book played with my head. Even after I finished the book, I had two things to say right after to my two friends that were in the room when I finished it. 1. "Who wants to take me to the book store to get the second one?" (the second book is on it's way!!) Once I was done with it, I felt kind of empty because I was used to having Mara's voice in my head. That is something I loved about Michelle Hodkin; she narrated Mara's voice so well that it stuck. The second thing I said was, "What is real?" With Mara as the narrator, you become confused but in a good way. You don't know if the things Mara is telling you are real or not real. As you can tell, this book affected me big time.
Now, Noah Shaw. Oh, Noah Shaw. His story at the end took me a little by surprise but the fact that he is extremely rich didn't. I had this feeling that he was very wealthy. But the fact that he is British is MUCH better. How can you not agree with that? Another song that I think goes along with the book well is Gone So Long by Breathe Carolina. It reminds me of Noah and Mara's relationship so much. "Was it all a dream I had? Time for us to wake up." This line, THIS LINE!! It reminds me of the book so much and every time I listen to it, I want to get my hands on the second book sooo badly!!!
The cliffhanger was insane. It might actually be more of an insane cliffhanger than Catching Fire. I can't believe I just said that. It just in a way knocked my socks off and I wanted to immediately continue reading.
All in all, I completely enjoyed this book. It was sexy, romantic, mysterious, and psychopathic. When a book is described in those ways, I would not think it would be good but it was fantastic. Michelle Hodkin, you have drove me crazy, but in a way that I completely enjoyed.