Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer Review.

Being a Psychology minor, I loved a certain part of this book because it twisted with my mind. I haven't read a book like that in a while and I'm glad I did. I would be reading this book, and have to put it down for a couple seconds just because I could feel it messing with my head. There are so many things I want to say, or write, about this book, but I feel like it messed with my head so much, that I can't put my thoughts down on paper, or well, this computer for the matter.
I guess I can start off with the book cover, which is what mainly drew me into this book in the first place. I had also watched the book trailer and heard nothing but good things about the book. The cover describes the book perfectly, I think. It's mysterious and sexy, things I would agree the book is. By the time I was towards the end of the book, the only thing I could listen to was the song from the book trailer, Black Dog by Kelli Schaefer. 
I feel like I can still hear Mara's voice in my head, especially when I was done. In the book, she hallucinates, and at times, mainly when I was driving, I thought I was hallucinating. I felt like I was seeing people or things on the street. This is what I mean when this book played with my head. Even after I finished the book, I had two things to say right after to my two friends that were in the room when I finished it. 1. "Who wants to take me to the book store to get the second one?" (the second book is on it's way!!) Once I was done with it, I felt kind of empty because I was used to having Mara's voice in my head. That is something I loved about Michelle Hodkin; she narrated Mara's voice so well that it stuck. The second thing I said was, "What is real?" With Mara as the narrator, you become confused but in a good way. You don't know if the things Mara is telling you are real or not real. As you can tell, this book affected me big time.
Now, Noah Shaw. Oh, Noah Shaw. His story at the end took me a little by surprise but the fact that he is extremely rich didn't. I had this feeling that he was very wealthy. But the fact that he is British is MUCH better. How can you not agree with that? Another song that I think goes along with the book well is Gone So Long by Breathe Carolina. It reminds me of Noah and Mara's relationship so much. "Was it all a dream I had? Time for us to wake up." This line, THIS LINE!! It reminds me of the book so much and every time I listen to it, I want to get my hands on the second book sooo badly!!!
The cliffhanger was insane. It might actually be more of an insane cliffhanger than Catching Fire. I can't believe I just said that. It just in a way knocked my socks off and I wanted to immediately continue reading.
All in all, I completely enjoyed this book. It was sexy, romantic, mysterious, and psychopathic. When a book is described in those ways, I would not think it would be good but it was fantastic. Michelle Hodkin, you have drove me crazy, but in a way that I completely enjoyed.


  1. I'm always looking for new books to read and this one really intrigues me after reading your review! Thanks for the recommendation, I'll have to give this Noah Shaw a chance ;-)


  2. I graduated with a psychology major so I know what your talking about when it comes to certain books! I'll have to bump up this book on my TBR pile. I knew a little bit about it but I never thought about the psychological aspect about it. I love books like that!

    And reading your bio, I'm also obsessed with everything British!! I find their covers to most books to be better than the American versions.

    Love your review!
