Hey Everyone!
I have not written a blog post in it feels like forever. I have an hour before my class starts, so I figured I would write one!
I have just found out about goodreads.com and I love that website. I have so many books on my list that I want to read and there just isn't enough time to read them. If you want to be my friend, please add me as a friend.
There has been so much going on. I am trying to do so much at once. I have to do homework, catch up on reading, have a huge movie list to watch with friends, write my blog, see what's new on twitter and Facebook, have tons of videos to watch on youtube, a bunch of new shows to watch, keep up with stories I have to write, eat right and keep up with exercise, and then finally sleep. Who needs sleep, right? I'm just kidding. I always try to get at least 8 hours of sleep a night, because I know it is good for my health. My roommate is usually always in bed early so I give her a lot of credit because she helps me to turn off my computer, close my book, and go to bed. For people who also do this, I feel for you.
So Taylor Swift is coming out with a perfume! I was expecting this and I was shocked it took this long since she is so famous. It comes out October 2nd and I really hope it smells good. That weekend I will away, so I am not able to go to Macys or Ulta to buy it. I am not the biggest fan of the bottle design. It looks like Brittney Spears' bottle design. Also, the name. I was expecting something different coming from Taylor Swift. Wonderstruck is nice, but I don't feel like it fits her personality. I really hope the smells makes up for it just like Justin Bieber's Someday perfume does. That perfume smells so good.
Tonight, Glee is on! I am so excited for it. I found out that one of my favorite singers, Damien McGinty, is going to be on seven episodes! He is such an amazing singer and he is soo hot!! :) Also, a new season of Biggest Loser and the new show New Girl starts tonight. I love Zooey DeChanel so I am really excited to see her on that show.
That's all the time I have folks.
Love Yas
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